I'm opening this little thing called good day shop

There’s something new coming to One-OneThousand. Well, it’s kinda new - it’s a new form but with real roots. In a few weeks, I’m opening a retail shop right here at our studio (woo-hoo, oh yay, yesss!) where you can come on in and shop home & lifestyle goods year round outside of our markets and events. And I’d love to tell you some of the Why behind it.
The last couple of years, I’ve explored ways to sell the goods of the people and brands that inspire and delight me everyday. Through pop-ups and events, I’ve been playing, testing and learning what objects and stories get people excited and wanting to know more about the why - how - who goes into the things they covet, hold close and share.
I’ve watched - listened - tried things - made things come to life - collaborated - failed - pivoted - grown. Along the way, I’ve gotten to know some really good people who make things and some really good people who adore things. From both angles, they’re people opening up to a life lived more meaningfully - whether through the way they make their living or the way they spend their time and furnish their lives.
This type of relationship to our work, sense of selves, things we consume, homes we create and communities we build Fuels Me. It’s not a simple story nor a clear one-way-only path (oh but wouldn’t that be nice?). Accessibility - affordability - aesthetic - function - space - awareness are only some of the variables that get layered onto that decision of “oh I love this and want this in my [shop/home/life].” My own views ebb and flow, grow and evolve as I continue learning about the ways we consume and how it affects our sense of self and place, economy and environment. It’s complicated.
With all this [over?] analyzing, sometimes agonizing but always thoughtfully considering, I’ve found it’s the curation of ideas, people, experiences and really well-made goods that matters most to me and that’s the thread I hope to keep stitching in my work step by step.
This little retail shop I’m opening is called good day shop and it won’t offer a definitive answer to these ideas and questions, but it will offer options and a continued conversation around what we bring into our lives and the people and processes we choose to support. I’m stocking the shelves with items I’ve thoughtfully considered because of their aesthetic, function and perspective. Goods chosen with intention and delight. Hard-working brands I believe in and want to know more of. People and processes that are mindful and beautiful. Objects to get you curious and talking.
Some of the products are made right here at One-OneThousand from studio members. Some are made in this city and in the midwest. Others I’ve curated from designers, makers and indie brands from around the country and sometimes even little pockets of the world. Small batch, slow made, beautiful, practical and special.
All are part of this same story - the story of real people seeking connection - real connection - to people and the objects that are a part of their everyday. People wanting to slow down, consider what they’re doing and buying - maybe even save up a little for that one special thing. Above all, they want to delight in something special, feel full and open and a part of something bigger.
It’s not going to be perfect and completely ready right away (because waiting for everything to be perfect is silly, isn’t it?), but nevertheless, the good day shop chapter begins April 5 with regular hours of Fridays from 11 - 6 and Saturdays from 10 - 4 at the One-OneThousand studio at 78 N Bryan St.
I’ll begin sharing the stories of the brands I’m carrying on our Insta account leading up. And when you come in to check it out, I hope you’ll feel at home. Happy. Curious. Excited. Connected. And ready to explore.
See you soon!
Sarah Artz, Founder, One-OneThousand